function! tada#box#Toggle() let group = tada#SyntaxGroupOfLine('.') let text = getline('.') let s:save_col = col('.') let s:blank_box = '[' . tada#todo#DefaultSymbol() . '] ' let s:box = '- ' . s:blank_box let s:blank_boxlen = len(s:blank_box)
Vim plugin for simple project management and todo lists.
def render_children return EMPTY unless children.present? do |child| Nodes.wrap(child, @links, @blocks, config).render end.join("\n").gsub(/\n+/, "\n") end
Ruby gem for rendering structured text for the DatoCMS platform.
function s:RubyBlockNext(...) norm! m' let flags = "W" call s:CheckVisualMode(a:000) if match(getline('.'), s:end_pattern, flags) == -1 call s:RubyBlockEnd() endif
Vim plugin for more easily maneuvering between ruby blocks as well as displaying current spot nested blocks in rspec files.
def, options={}) data =, obj) @registry[obj.singleton_class] = data class << obj prepend InstanceFollower prepend Putter::Watcher.class_proxy(self) end
Ruby gem for puts debugging. Follow instances or watch classes to see where in the code what methods get called and when.
def clone_branch_protections begin repo = @client.repo( options = @client.branch_protection(, @repo.old_branch) rescue Octokit::Forbidden return end
Ruby gem for changing github default branch from master to main, including updating PRs and branch protections.
function lightboxReady() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { var inc = 40; var lightboxListener = function(interval) { var lightbox = document.getElementsByClassName(LIGHTBOX_SELECTOR); if (lightbox.length != 0) { resolve('true');
Chrome extension for displaying numbers on trello cards.*NO LONGER MAINTAINED*
defp process_nodes([node | []], table), do: process_node(node, table) defp process_nodes([node | nodes], orig_table) do with {:ok, table} <- process_node(node, orig_table) do process_nodes(nodes, table) else _ -> {:fail}
Elixir app for analyzing bridge hands based on a bidding sequence.
scoreForPlayer : Player -> Int scoreForPlayer player = let states = (\\num -> Maybe.withDefault (Points 0) (Dict.get num player.targets)) targets in List.foldl (+) 0 ( pointsForState states)
Elm app for keeping score in the darts game, Cricket.
desc "symlink files into home directory" task :install do working_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) for_each_dotfile(working_dir) do |file, dotfile_path| convert_to_backup(dotfile_path) FileUtils.ln_s(file, dotfile_path) end
My personal vim dotfiles.
<div class="portfolio__snippet--container"> <div class="portfolio__snippet--code"> {{ repo.code | markdownify }} </div> <div class="portfolio__snippet--description"> <p>{{ repo.description }}</p> </div>
My personal website. This one.
function! g:VimIgnoreNERDTreeFilter(params) let pwd=expand('%:p:h') let fullPath=join([''] + a:params['path']['pathSegments'], '/') let ignore_path = ignore#converters#nerdtree#ignore_array(g:vimignore_ignore_map) let relativePath=substitute(fullPath, pwd . "/", '', '') if relativePath =~ ignore_path return 1
Attempt at a vim plugin for converting a .gitignore file into universal ignores for fzf and NerdTREE
.navbar { position: relative; &:not(.full-width) { max-width: $container-width; @include margin(null auto); } flex-wrap: wrap;
Attempt at a Sass framework. Mostly an opportunity to gain a better understanding of Sass. Also a Jekyll site with custom elements.